Tuesday 12 August 2014

day 39

Today was special, we cycled 1 mile from our b&b to the Old Inn, in Gairloch. Sooo we woke up at quarter to eight and also I forgot to mention my tooth fell out last night dad didn't know as he was already asleep at that time. Then we went downstairs for breakfast, I had cereal and egg on toast with smoked salmon. After breakfast it was still pouring but chris a man who we had met last night had offered to drive us to Ullapool if it was bad weather we were lucky indeed. So we and spent the whole night drying off our clothes so now the were nice and dry but it had been raining all night so the flood wasn't much lower and now with our dry clothes we had to get wet again! I partly climbed along a fence dragging my bike until dad told me to get down I had to. It wasnt as nice as yesterday but it still wasn't the worst thing ever and when we got out of that we felt warm. We cycled to the Old Inn where we had dinner last night. There we met Chris and his daughter Gabrielle and shoved our stuff into there campervan. So as you can probably tell by now, we cheated the whole day off although given the weather I couldn't care less, it rained the whole day.

I sat in the big part art the middle part of the camper van and dad, Chris and Gabrielle sat at the front. Most of the day we just chatted jumping out to take the occasional picture until we stopped for a tea break at 11:30. That time we had just buttered moatloaf and half a muffin each. That was fun we waited at that spot for a while then continued on to Ullapool as we got close could see consequences of the flood and took some pictures. In Ullapool we decided to have lunch before they left to carry on and dad went round the corner to get mum who had arrived. We sat in a cafe and ate pannis before having a one minute interview with Chris and Gabrielle. After that sadly they had to go so we took our bikes and bag out and went to the hotel with mum to our room. We stayed there for a while and then headed out for a nice dinner. After that mum and dad wasted time in a shop and walking down the road before we went back to the hotel. Sorry it has been a short post I needed to rush bye.

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