Wednesday 6 August 2014

day 33

Today we cycled 28 ile from Arran to Tarbert . We set off at late as we fiddeled with the bike and took stuff apart and while dad did things on his phone I played with the rabbit outside our b&b. We left at about 10:30 and cycled only 2 miles to Brodick Castle across the bay. In side was like any other castle apart from how many deer heads there were hanged up there was loads. We had a quick look through and dad took a few photos even though you weren't allowed. And in a kid play section we saw a special piggy bank which is a man who drops the coin in to a purse. We finished there and waited in the cafe for the rain to pass, very soon we gave up and cycled in the rain instead. It was only light and after a while we got to our only hill for the day which wasn't very big anyway but by the it was raining super heavily enough so that when I stuck out my tounge it actually gave me water and didn't just make it dry and unmoistureised. Half way up the hill the rain stopped and I almost missed it and I made it up the hill in my 4 and 5 gear so that was surprising. We came over the hill and down the other side and we saw the ferry straight ahead that was luckty as we came just on time. Most of the ferry journey I didn't pay attention to I thought it was boring. We got to the other side and it was 1:50 is I think and we were both really hungry then we remembered we had a wrapped up sausage we were so hungry we had half a sauce each and a sherbot lemon and to keep us going to Tarbert. We got there after 12 ish miles and had late a thankful lunch after this we needed a place to stay so we walked to visitors centre. Well eventually our b&b place for the night was at our lunch pub, its a nice room and we went for a walk and ate a bit before walking back to the pub before we saw some boring fishing ships which dad was extremely interested in so we and to look at those be for we were allowed to got back to the hotel. Then as dad wanted an icream I got him one walking thought the rain to get it. Now were in bed doing some stuff. Night.


  1. Sounds like you've had quite a trip since leaving Kirkcudbright last sunday, rain, wind and damaged rear derailleurs but hopefully you will get decent weather soon.

    I received a postcard with some cows on it today, thank you very much :) , it's now stuck to my kitchen cupboard along with the rest of my postcard collection.

    You're about to head into deepest darkest Argyll so you'd better get some "smidge" midge repellant, I grew up throughout the area you are about to cycle through and remember the midges well, my tip is "Don't stop cycling",

    Good luck for the rest of your trip, i'll be following your blog.


  2. Good advice, thank u. Kenny.
