Tuesday 5 August 2014

Big ferry

Ardrossan to Brodick
1 hrs.  Hope this is allowed?
Caledonian Macbrayne.
Grumble started putting cakes with a notice of prices FROM!
Another company on confuse the customer to make more money. !

1 comment:

  1. We are alll very jealous you have made it to Arran-we had wonderful times there as kids, so hope you are having a good time too.
    Has the shouting stopped yet-perhaps the phone call from home diverted attention from you!
    Granny's bed lever arrived today so we are going to have fun flinging her about in the bed now we can use all the controls-thats if Lynn hasn't sucked her up into the hoover before it is time to get back into bed! She is very sparkly as she has had a sluice down in the shower-was thinking if it rained bit more of taking her outside and leaving her there for a bit in the wheelchair I am sure that would have done the trick!
    Hope the bike holds up for the island hop........we await developments with bated breath-should be listening for loud voices??!!
