Saturday, 19 July 2014

Today we cycled from Swansea to near Tenby we set off at 9:00, in the morning the weather was dreary. Llanelli was our first stop for a cake I told dad I liked the houses there and we saw a 2D rugby stand. After stopping there, for lunch we were at Carmarthen were we had a nice filling meal and an ice cream.

I'll just say this now, never cycle on a dual carriageway unless you have no choice... It wasn't nice cars roar past, endless thought of being hit and endless noise. We came off and were hit by the smell of cow poo and saw pretty much and endless line of it. So the country road was horrible as well so we decided to go back on the carriageway (we were that desperate). Near the end we had a break at a reastruant near Dillan Thomas's boat house (the famous welsh poet)where I had a lemon bakewell tart and we had a nice chat with the lady running the place. To finish we ended about 1 mile from Tenby and are in a spare flat next to Barney's house. And that is today.

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