Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Hi today we cycled only twenty five miles but up two big hills we're staying at the golden lion pub tonight. Along the way when we we were looking for a place for lunch we found a golf club for lunch and were told a wild boar was loose! Turned out it was a bull escaped from a cow killing factory thing but the police shot it in the end so we just had lunch at the golf club and continued on our way to the pub. On the way there was a village with a scarecrow trail and lots of people had made fun scarecrows to look at. When we got to the pub we saw an icecream shop and managed to get an ice cream. Later Oliver's dad viciously attacked Oliver's icecream and crushed it so most of the time Oliver had to slurp up dripping ice cream.  That is what happened today.

1 comment:

  1. is that a lay back priest? ice cream, mummm........
    GOOD RIDE to you. Rain all day in London.
